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Tutte le traduzioni - Aneta B.

Lingua originale
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Lingua originale
Inglese Brother, not a Lover
You're really a beautiful soul
my Brother, my Hell, my Beloved...
How to tell you that I'm sorry, really sorry,
Blame me, Hate me, but don't give the word 'love' on me...
I'm not that worth.
I want to give this 'note' to a person who's like a brother for me.

Traduzioni completate
Latino Frater, non Amator
Lingua originale
Inglese Human Encounter
As I came to Earth in 1981, I involuntarily came into contact with human race. Except for a few bright encounters, I found the rest, dark and ugly. “Human Encounter” is my diary of these encounters. This album is divided into two categories:

The “dark side” reflects the ugly experiences. I noticed that human beings have a tendency to call everything by a name and misunderstand it later. So I do not care what they may actually mean by a word like "evil"; but no doubt human beings themselves are the main source of terror, pain and destruction on Earth.

The “bright side” reflects the pleasures I encountered in this planet. I say no pleasure happens on Earth without a human medium; so the corresponding songs are dedicated to individual human beings. Of course at first sight, Earth seems physically alluring, but those are only temporary characteristics. The only immortal thing is what a man creates.

Now that I am departing this planet, I will only miss a few people like those I named in the “bright side”... Let the others putrefy in the abyss of time.
"Human Encounter" is a music album and this is the story behind the album.
I would be thankful if you also translate the title.
Please note that the phrase "Human Encounter" is a modification of "Alien Encounter". In "Alien Encounter", a human encounters aliens but in "Human Encounter", a being (here the storyteller) is encountering human beings.

Traduzioni completate
Francese À la rencontre du genre humain
Spagnolo Encuentro Humano
Portoghese brasiliano Encontro Humano
Italiano Incontro Umano
Tedesco Menschliche Begegnung
Russo В контакте с человеком
Polacco Ludzkie spotkanie
Olandese Menselijke Ontmoetingen
Svedese Närkontakt med människan.
Norvegese Nærkontakt med mennesker
Danese Human Encounter.
Turco İnsan Karşılaşması
Cinese semplificato 人之邂逅
Lingua originale
Inglese hello, I am fine thank you, I miss you too...

I am fine thank you, I miss you too.
I hope you enjoyed your stay here and that you can come back in October.
You can write to me in Polish, I speak it fluently now.:-)

My name email is....

Take care

PS: I went to .... recently and the African guy is dying to meet you!!!
addressed to a female, writer is male

Traduzioni completate
Polacco Witam, Mam się dobrze, dziękuję...
10Lingua originale10
Inglese Welcome to my daydream: ...
Welcome to my daydream: "Avant-garde ancient art-rock from Iran".
1. This is a musician's marketing slogan and the phrase in quotation describes his music style.
2. The slogan compares musician's music style to a daydream.
3. "ancient" alludes to ancient eastern music influences in his music.
4. The music specific "art rock" term for each language could be found at
For Dutch dialect please use "Dutch"

Traduzioni completate
Russo Слоган
Rumeno Sloganul de marketing al unui muzician
Italiano Benvenuti nel mio sogno ad occhi ...
Danese En musikers markedsføringsslogan.
Bulgaro Добре дошли в моя блян:
Olandese Een marketing slogan van een muzikant
Svedese En musikers slogan
Polacco Muzyczny slogan marketingowy.
Norvegese En musikers markedsføring slagord
Serbo Slogan
Lituano Sveiki atvykÄ™...
Francese Bienvenue dans ma rêverie : "Ancien ...
Portoghese brasiliano Bem-vindo ao meu sonho
Spagnolo Bienvenido a mi sueño...
Ebraico התרגום שביקשת
Greco Σλόγκαν Μουσικού
Tedesco auf meiner Träumerei
Latino Avete cum vigilans somnio...
Croato Dobro došli u ...
Esperanto Surmerkatiga slogano de muzikisto
Turco Bir Müzisyeni Pazarlama Sloganı
Cinese semplificato 欢迎来到我的白日梦
Ucraino Слоган
Macedone Добро дојдовте во мојот сон ...
Ceco Vítejte do mého snění za bíleho dne
Bosniaco Dobro došli u moju maštu
Cinese 伊朗的藝術搖滾
Ungherese Egy zenész jelszava
Thailandese ยินดีต้อนรับสู่วิมานดนตรี
Lingua originale
Svedese Familjen betyder allt i slutändan.
Familjen betyder allt i slutändan.
Detta ska vara en tatuering. Det jag vill ha översatt och som det betyder är att visa att oavsätt så betyder familjen allt i slutändan, de finns mycket som betyder något men i slutet är de familjen som betyder mest.

Bridge by pias: "Family means everything in the end."

Traduzioni completate
Francese La famille compte plus que tout.
Latino Familia denique omnia significat.
Lingua originale
Portoghese brasiliano Tradução de uma frase do Nietzsche para o Latim!
"Aquele que tem razão para viver, pode suportar quase tudo." Nietzsche

Traduzioni completate
Inglese He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.
Latino Qui scit qua de causa vivat
10Lingua originale10
Portoghese brasiliano Pisarás o leão e a áspide
Pisarás o leão e a áspide
<Bridge by Lilian>

"You will tread upon the lion and the asp"

Psalm 91:13

Traduzioni completate
Latino Super leonem et aspidem ambulabis
Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Olandese Het verloopt alleen helaas allemaal niet erg...
Het verloopt alleen helaas allemaal niet erg soepel bij S.
E-mail od kolegi Holendra. Pisał, że jedzie do Hiszpanii (właśnie jest w pociągu) na 2 tygodnie, a później napisał to zdanie właśnie.

[British English]

Traduzioni completate
Inglese Unfortunately, things just aren't running very smoothly...
Polacco Niestety, sprawy nie idą gładko w S.
Lingua originale
Francese Au royaume des aveugles, le borgne est roi
Au royaume des aveugles, le borgne est roi
Bonjour je connais la traduction de la phrase "au royaume des aveugles, les borgnes sont rois", cependant j'aimerais connaitre sa traduction avec "le borgne est roi" au singulier. Merci de votre aide

Traduzioni completate
Latino In regno caecorum unoculus rex est.
Lingua originale
Inglese Only love is real
Only love is real
Ou em portugues- "SÓ O AMOR É REAL"

Traduzioni completate
Latino Amor solus verus est.
Lingua originale
Latino numquam se submittendum est.
numquam se submittendum est.

Traduzioni completate
Polacco Nigdy nie należy się kłaniać.
Lingua originale
Inglese The choice is yours. Remember your own worth.
The choice is yours.

Remember your own worth.
Would be very happy if I could get this correctly translated. I'm using it for at tattoo, so it's very important, that it's correct.

Thank you.

Traduzioni completate
Latino Delectus tuus est...
Lingua originale
Svedese Allt har en mening
Allt har en mening

Traduzioni completate
Latino Omnia valent
Lingua originale
Danese Tro at hver dag, som lyser, er din...
Tro at hver dag, som lyser, er din sidste.
Hvis der er nogle der kan oversætte på kinesisk, altså med de kinesiske tegn, kunne jeg godt tænke mig det. På forhånd tusinde tak.

Traduzioni completate
Inglese days
Latino Omnem crede diem tibi deluxisse supremum.
Cinese semplificato 日子
Lingua originale
Greco Το πιο βαθύ σκοτάδι είναι πριν την αυγή
Το πιο βαθύ σκοτάδι είναι πριν την αυγή

Traduzioni completate
Inglese The deepest darkness is before dawn.
Catalano Abans de l'alba hi ha la foscor més profunda.
Latino Tenebrae profundissimae
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